(Don’t Hide Your Light)
Matthew 5:15-16 TLB “Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.”
Excellence isn’t just about being very good at something; it’s much more than that. Excellence refers to the quality of your personality; it’s something that comes from your spirit and reflects in everything you do. As a child of God, you’ve got the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of excellence, living in you. He brings excellence into your life, which means you can manifest this excellence to your world.
God is eager to show His excellence through you, in your school work, friendships, behaviour, communication, and in everything else. As a student, He wants you to function with an excellent spirit and display His perfection in your academics. Through His excellence working in you, He wants to manifest His glory to the world. So let Him do so; don’t hide your excellence.
Be the best in all that you do. Refuse to accept half measures or put up with mediocrity; pay attention to details in everything you do, even if you don’t feel like it. Add value to yourself and to anything you’re involved in. And just like Daniel, as you manifest this excellence in every area of your life, you’ll stand out from the crowd (Daniel 6:3)!
Go Deeper
Proverbs 17:27, Daniel 5:12-14, 1 Peter 2:9
I have an excellent spirit. I release excellence from my spirit and produce excellent results in all I do, because the Holy Spirit lives in me!
Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 15:29-16:12, Exodus 3-5
Matthew 9:1-13, Genesis 23
Write down ways you would show excellence in the following areas:
1. Academics.
2. Relationship with others.
3. Character.
4. Speech and communication.