A Life Of Excellence

A Life Of Excellence 


Bible Verse:

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue (2 Peter 1:3).


God has called you to live a life full of greatness and joy. He’s not working on it—He’s already done it! It’s not something that’s going to happen later; it’s already true for you. When the Bible talks about “virtue,” it means excellence or doing things really well. God didn’t choose us to live in shame, sadness, sickness, or trouble. He picked us to live in His glory and to do things excellently! So, we should say, “Thank you, God! I am filled with your goodness, and I do great things.”

Maybe you’ve been feeling down or embarrassed, but right now, God’s Word is changing your heart and mind. His Word will lift you up from feeling bad and help you live a life of joy and excellence. Remember who you are—inside you is God’s power to grow, succeed, and do amazing things. He has put you in a place where you can shine and do excellent things without even trying too hard!

But you also have a responsibility: to make sure your life keeps getting better and better by thinking about the right things. That’s what it means to “renew your mind” (Romans 12:2). God wants you to succeed and be your best because it brings Him joy when you do well and show the world how awesome He is through your life.


Dear Father, I thank you, for you’ve made my life beautiful, and made me excellent all the way. You’re glorified in and through me today, by my progress and success as a result of your Word at work in me. Thank you for making me the epitome of your righteousness, and vent for your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Proverbs 4:18 2

Peter 1:3 AMPC

John 15:8