Focus On The Person, Not On The Power
Bible verse:
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…
(Acts 1:8).
There’s a difference between the Person of the Holy Spirit and the impartations of the Holy Spirit.
In the Scriptures, we read how handkerchiefs and aprons taken from the body of Paul healed the sick (Read Acts 19:12). The Holy Spirit wasn’t on the handkerchiefs and aprons, but His power was on them.
As a Christian, you’re a greater and better recipient of the Spirit’s power. He lives in you and is real in you as a person, but He has also imparted your whole being with His power. This is where many have missed it: they seem to be more conscious of the power than the Person of the Holy Spirit.
You can have the power of the Holy Spirit, and not be in fellowship with the Person of the Holy Spirit, and that’s dangerous. It happened to some in Bible days and still happens today.
For example, Samson was endued with the power of God; the power was in his hair, but he wasn’t living right. He disregarded the Word of God and fell in love with a Philistine. He knew his decisions were wrong, but he was confident that if trouble came, all he had to do was activate the power of God in Him. He knew how to “shake himself” (Judges 16:20) for the power to work. He knew how to make contact with the “power,” but wasn’t in fellowship with the “Person.” Of course, he would pay dearly for his error eventually.
That’s just like some people today. Someone could be healing the sick, casting out devils, but his ways aren’t right with God; he’s not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. All he has are the impartations of the Spirit. That’s not what God wants.
Your fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the most important thing in your life. Apportion regular times in the day to spend with Him, and He’ll reveal mysteries to you concerning your life, future, family, job, finances and everything else related to you. He’ll fly you on eagle’s wings and navigate you through life victoriously. Hallelujah!
Blessed Holy Spirit, I rejoice for your glorious presence in my life. You’re real in me and to me as a person; your power is at work in me. I sanctify myself, being fully yielded to your guidance and instructions, as I fulfil my calling in Christ. Amen.
Acts 1:8;
Matthew 7:21-23;
Acts 19:11-12