All things are possible
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.””
Mark 10:27 NIV
“I’ve always wanted to be a pilot. I usually find myself daydreaming about steering away in the cockpit, watching the misty pillows pass me as I zoom by,” Nina said to her older friend Priscilla, with a smile on her face.
“That’s a nice one; you should go to flight school for that,” Priscilla replied. “No one in this town has ever been a pilot, let alone a young lady.”
Nina, on hearing Priscilla’s suggestion, lost her smile and replied: “Hmm, I don’t have enough money to start the registration process for any aviation program; I’m just so confused.”
Her head dropped and she began to walk off in despair, till Priscilla called to her after a while, “Hey come on, don’t throw in the towel just like that. Let’s make some enquiries first, ok!”
Later on, Nina’s dreams of flying got funded, and she became the first pilot in her town after a few years.
If you thought it’s almost impossible to achieve your dreams, don’t give up. The Lord knows what to do and how to help you. Remember, Moses answered the call of God at the age of eighty. His old age didn’t truncate his destiny.
It was the same with Abraham, who received God’s promise of a child at seventy-five years of age. The Bible says, “…Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles…” (Isaiah 40:31). So never give up on your dream!
The energy you require, for all that God has destined you, is of the Spirit, and it’s inherent in you: “That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure” (Philippians 2:13 MSG).
Rely on this energy from the Lord. It’s not too late to see that dream actualised; just refuse to give up on it.
Dear Lord, you’re the strength of my life. I take advantage of your grace and might in fulfilling my destiny in you. I’m continually energised, growing from strength to strength, by your Spirit in my inner man, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Go Deeper
Psalm 73:26 GNB;
Isaiah 40:29 MSG;
Ephesians 3:16