Helping Kids Grow in Faith

Kids are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward.  Sometimes we may wonder  when do we start to teach our kids faith? How do we introduce them to the life of faith? How do we communicate faith to a child? There are  various ways through which God instructs or prescribes helping our kids grow in Faith.



1- Teaching them our doctrines

Doctrine is defined, “as a belief  or  set of  beliefs held  and taught by a or church.”

In our ministry, our doctrines are the things most surely believed amongst us as the BLW nation. These are our creed, statement of faith and commitment, convictions and values we hold true to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God through His Word in Deuteronomy 4:9 MSG clearly instructs the children of Israel on how to do this, “Just make sure you stay alert. Keep close watch over yourselves. Don’t forget anything of what you’ve seen. Don’t let your heart wander off. Stay vigilant as long as you live. Teach what you’ve seen and heard to your children and grandchildren”.

God instructs that we are to teach His thoughts, ideas and opinions to our children. Teaching our kids the Word of Faith  through  the Spirit, is what  sows  the  seeds  of  faith  in  their  hearts.  Teaching must be a planned,  deliberate  and  strategic  act  that  will  facilitate the definite outcomes expected in the life of our kids.


  • Through Repetitive instructions in the precepts and examplesladen within the scriptures. Pastor Chris has often said ,” Repetition is the law of deep and lasting “

Precept is defined as,” a set of rules intended to regulate behavior or thought “. So it is pertinent that in instructing our children with the guiding principles of faith in an unseen God, we will require the additional means of “show and tell”. Showing them through the examples of those who lived and walked by faith in the Bible and telling them how they accomplished or obeyed God’s instructions through Faith.

Isaiah 28:13 (TLB)

“So the Lord will spell it out for them  again,  repeating it  over  and over in simple words whenever he can…”



3- Lifestyle choices and living at home

The home is the first community that a child comes in contact with before he contacts his world beyond. Parents through setting up the right structure for their child’s personal devotion at home,  will begin the process or become the premise of platform through which their child learns God’s basic principles about Faith. One may ask how early should I start a devotion with my child? I would prescribe as early as your child can hear you. The parent  must  ensure  to raise up their child through regimented home devotion with our Ministry Kiddies Rhapsody of Realities, Children’s Books & materials. With these, the child is programmed, raised in and cultured through the message of our Ministry and our doctrines of faith. Kids glean from our spirits and become eventually what or who we are. Faith is taught and caught. Through Parents’ informal teaching of Faith, communication, language, confessions, behaviour or lifestyle choices we are constantly communicating Faith or Fear to our children. Children do not know fear, lack, want, deprivation or poverty until it is taught them through aforementioned channels. As Romans10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing,  and hearing by the word of God”. So does fear, lack, want etc come by


hearing? Parents must pay attention to what  their  children  are hearing or watching at home. Close monitoring your kids and regulating their activities at  home  will facilitate their journey of faith in God’s Word.



4- Additional Spiritual education in the children’s church

In our Ministry we have in our  structure  the  Children’s  Ministry which has its units through the Children’s Churches, Children’s Ministry Workers, Leaders and Teachers. At the dedication of every child in our Christ Embassy Churches, parents commit  and  pledge their vows to the Lord in the midst  of  the  congregation  to,”  their child or children to bring them to church for additional spiritual instruction.” Parents in our churches must see to  this  by  ensuring their children are brought to Church to receive spiritual nurturing, education and training in the precepts and teachings of God’s Word.

LWCM Kiddies World

It’s a whole new platform for your kids with fun engaging contents such as